Stunning to look at and easy to keep
Empire Zoysia™ is an eye-catching dark green colour that provides excellent wear recovery, is a leading contender for regions with water restrictions and has less maintenance.
Botanical Name: Zoysia japonica.
PBR: SS500.
- Medium shade tolerance
- Very high drought tolerance
- Very low maintenance – less watering, mowing and fertiliser
- High wear tolerance
- High salt tolerance
- Eye-catching dark green colour
- Fine-medium leaf that is soft to touch
- Produces low seed head (common irritant to people with allergies)
- Empire™ Zoysia’s nickname is EZ grass and is commonly referred to as the “easy grass”.
- Empire™ has been proven to significantly strengthen soil by 48%, improving erosion control of roadsides, steep embankments, batters, stream embankment, retaining walls and foreshores compared to Couch (3.2%) and Kikuyu (9.7%).
- Empire™ is one of the most popular Zoysia grasses in Australia due to its low maintenance.
- Empire™ has improved pest and disease resistance and tolerates low to moderate salinity.
- Empire™ has excellent fast initial growth across the ground compared to other Zoysias. Its runners are highly branching, which provides excellent recovery from wear.
- Quickly becoming known as the tough, hardwearing turf, Empire™ can survive on natural rainfall and if left to its own devices, saves on long-term mowing, pesticides,
de-thatching and fertilisers. - Empire™ can endure long periods of non-attention, but when well-maintained Empire™ looks lush and maintains colour year-round, so is suited to a large range of commercial purposes.
- Empire™ meets the Erosion Control Australian Standard No# AS5181: 2017 –
User and installation of turf as an erosion, nutrient and sediment control measure.