The finest lawn of choice
Augusta® Zoysia Lawn is fine and soft, yet tough, with low maintenance and amazing ‘eye appeal’. maintenance.
Botanical Name: Zoysia Matrella.
- High shade tolerance
- Very high drought tolerance
- Very low maintenance – less watering, mowing and fertiliser
- High wear tolerance
- Fine leaf textured making it soft under foot
- Eye-catching dark green colour
- High salt tolerance
- Produces little seed head (a common irritant for people with allergies)
- A vigorous root, stolon and rhizome root system allows Augusta® to handle full
sun and have a medium-high shade tolerance. - When growing within parklands and around trees Augusta® has the unique
habit of growing entirely under the trees canopy and up to the trunk. - Augusta® ’s growth habit limits the normal competition between grass roots
and tree feeder roots. - Augusta® ’s extensive root system, high stolon frequency and vigorous rhizome
growth, produces thick compact turf that recovers quickly from injury. - Augusta® copes extremely well under drought stress due to its extensive and
deep root system. - Augusta® will consistently establish in a wide variety of soil types.
- Augusta® is a fine bladed variety with vertical leaf texture making it soft to
touch and underfoot. - When left to its own devices, Augusta® saves on long-term mowing,
dethatching, fertilising, pesticides and herbicides. - Augusta® has excellent late season colour retention and early spring green-up
(where dormant in cooler months). - Augusta® meets the Erosion Control Australian Standard No# AS5181: 2017 –
User and installation of turf as an erosion, nutrient and sediment control measure.