After a two-year COVID- stop, TurfBreed was pleased to host the 2022 National Growers Conference on the Sunshine Coast of Queensland. It was great to see key industry turf sponsors and growers finally getting the chance to network and talk all things turf.
Using more for less in turf production, new varieties, improving farm efficiency and profitability as well as the importance of farm safety were all topics covered.
With leading turf figures from the US as well as business and marketing expertise from within Australia, the conference speaker line-up aimed to install a renewed strength back into growers and their farm business.
“One of the highlights of the conference was delegates hearing firsthand why TurfBreed’s new IronCutter is known as the Elite Hybrid Bermudagrass.”
Will Schnell and Adam Russell from Mountain View Seeds, the United States (US) breeders of IronCutter, shared trial results from independent US research grown under conditions similar to Australia’s.
IronCutter is now being trialled across Australia, and to date at a site in Bundalong, Victoria after 16 weeks the root depth had grown to 150mm. The IronCutter is being grown in loam sand soil and was initially planted in a 15 square metre area with 150mm spacing (see story page X).
Also from the US was Dr Gregg Munshaw who has 25 years of direct turfgrass experience, having worked on golf courses, athletic fields, and in teaching, research, and extension positions at Mississippi State University and the University of Kentucky. Today he is the Chief Scientist & Director of Agronomy for Pinnacle Ag Research in the US.
Gregg’s clear take home message was: “Less is best!” Gregg stressed that genetics was the next great avenue to provide better turf varieties and plants that needed less inputs – such as fertiliser.
One of the most powerful, insightful sessions of the Conference was listening to TurfBreeds Work Health & Safety (WH&S) ambassador and Northern Territory grower, Gavin Howie who told his story of losing both legs to a farm accident. Gav is now a very strong advocate of farm safety and stressed the importance of having a proper WH&S plan for your farm.
At this year’s National Conference Dinner, the TurfBreed grower family raised a massive $14,000 at the very popular Silent Auction.
The money has been given to Turf Australia’s Benevolent Fund with TurfBreed knowing it will go towards supporting the wider turf community who are currently facing both rising costs and rising waters.
A big thank you to all the partners and sponsors who supported the Silent Auction through their donations. And a “shout out” to all conference delegates who were the winning bidders at the Auction and raised the $14,000.
Rollout of TurfBreed’s Inaugural Grower Awards
At the 2022 Conference dinner, TurfBreed recognised businesses in the grower network that were excelling in different areas. TurfBreed stressed that it was not just the size of the farm that counted but the effort and passion that goes into growing premium quality turf.

2022 TurfBreed Grower Awards won by NSW growers

Winners of the Ann McKeon Award – Jess and Dave (with the boys) Micallef from Abulk Turf.
NSW growers – have their own mini – National Conference
At the time of the National Conference in QLD, New South Wales turf growers were feeling the after effects of three floods. Keen to find ways and means to support them in whatever way possible, TurfBreed hosted a mini one-day conference, titled Building Back Better, at Richmond.
Turf Agronomist Peter Kirby delivered a critical starting session that detailed how to revive flood-affected turf (see onset fact sheet). Followed by Bruce Yelland – talking about Resilience Building Your Farm – which offered recommendations on how to realign your business structure and clarify your farm’s different roles.
Continuing with the theme Building Back Better, Psychologist, Tony Bradford spoke on a very important topic that resonated with many growers – “How flood affected growers can improve their overall functioning and well-being by combatting occupational stress”.
A big thank you to all the NSW Conference Sponsors who donated not only their time but generous gifts that were part of the day’s Lucky Door prize and offerings.