At home in every home
Palmetto® Buffalo is the biggest selling Buffalo in the world; is low maintenance, hard wearing and has very good shade tolerance.
Botanical Name: Stenotaphrum secundatum.
PBR: SS100.
- High shade tolerance
- Low maintenance
- High wear tolerance
- Excellent winter-green colour
- Broad leaf and soft to touch
- Produces low seed head (common irritant to people with allergies)
- Palmetto® is the biggest selling Buffalo in the World.
- Palmetto® out performed ‘Sir Walter’ in trials for maintaining colour, hardiness and growth speeds.
- Palmetto® grows slower than other Buffalo varieties, therefore it requires less mowing and less maintenance.
- Palmetto® faired the best for drought tolerance against all other Buffalo varieties trialled.
- Palmetto® winter colour faired ≈ 40% better than Sir Walter and 140% better than Shademaster.
- Palmetto® meets the Erosion Control Australian Standard No# AS5181: 2017 –
Use and installation of turf as an erosion, nutrient and sediment control measure.