Get the softest of summer feelings underfoot
Sapphire® Soft Leaf Buffalo is an Australian Bred fine leaf textured turf with unbeatable softness and qualities to suit a tough climate and wear and tear.
Botanical Name: Stenotaphrum secundatum.
PBR: B12.
- High shade tolerance
- Low maintenance
- High wear tolerance
- Excellent winter-green colour
- Broad folding leaves deliver a strong fine, soft to touch lawn
- Produces little seed head (a common irritant for people with allergies)
- Sapphire® is Australia’s ‘Number 1’ Buffalo for shade tolerance.
- Sapphire® looks finer than other Buffalos due to its narrow-folded blade, making it a very high performing Soft Leaf Buffalo.
- Due to its high performance and fast stolon/runner growth, Sapphire® recovers quickly from wear.
- Sapphire® has a slight blue-ish tinge and runners are dark green unlike other popular Buffalos which are largely purple.
- Sapphire® has a dense root system, unlike other commercial Buffalos, improving drought tolerance.
- Sapphire® is reliable and well-regarded to grow quickly after transplanting. A new root system establishes within 14-days of planting/sprigging with good upkeep.
- Sapphire® meets the Erosion Control Australian Standard No# AS5181: 2017 –
Use and installation of turf as an erosion, nutrient and sediment control measure.