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Latrell lays a lawn fit for a champion

South Sydney Rabbitohs star Latrell Mitchell is known for his high performance on the rugby field, whether it’s representing his club, his state or his nation, so it makes sense he expects the same ...
World-class pitch kicks a goal for Gympie’s recovery

When severe storms and flooding swept across Queensland in February 2022, the town of Gympie in Queensland’s south east was hit hard, losing many of its community facilities including its soccer pit...
Turf Australia – Member Benefit Fund – Letter of acknowlegement

Turf Australia would like to express our utmost appreciation and gratitude for the exceptional donations made by TurfBreed and its growers to the Turf Australia Member Benefit Fund. The remarkable amo...
Awards recognise those who are a “cut above’

The annual Grower Awards are TurfBreed’s way of recognising the businesses in the grower network that excel in different areas. It is important to note that it is not just the size of the farm that ...
From cycling to climbing & turf farming, Bryce is unstoppable

Allenview Turf general manager Bryce Lindores was just days away from turning 18 when he was blinded in a farm accident. Hanging out with school friends, he jumped in the back of the ute they were usi...
Testing the green, green grass of home

Research trials testing the performance of new and existing turf varieties are being expanded in both Queensland and Victoria. Senior Research Scientist Dr Andrew Fletcher, who co-ordinates the nation...
The only secret to sales is good customer service

Customer service and marketing aren’t complicated, but done well can make all the difference between closing a one-off sale and establishing an ongoing relationship that will turn a client into an a...
Climate change, population growth and water restrictions drive trends

As Director Of International Sales for Mountain View Seeds, Brett Freeborn has visited 40 countries, putting him in the box seat to identify global challenges and turf trends. Brett said the major tre...
Communication, connection key to good mental health

Bullied at school for being the odd one out, Warren Davies was always the new kid because his small business owner parents moved often. As a teenager, Warren thought he’d got lucky when they relocat...
Harnessing the superpowers of diverse teams

We might not look like Henry Cavill as Superman, Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman or Chris Hemsworth as Thor, but even everyday people have superpowers that can benefit the turf industry. That was the messag...
IronCutter™ – resetting the benchmark on turf performance

TurfBreed’s 2023 National Growers Conference is shaping-up to be one of the best to date with leading local and international speakers helping shape a first-class agenda. This not-to-be-missed event...
TurfBreed’s 2023 National Grower Conference

Bigger and better than ever is what TurfBreed’s 2023 National Growers Conference will be. This not-to-be-missed event, which will be held at Albury in New South Wales from 28-30 May 2023, is titled ...
Building Turf RnD for the Australian Industry

Developing an effective research and development program is a pivotal goal for TurfBreed. With that said, TurfBreed has placed a major emphasis on developing its Turf RnD Facility in Queensland and no...
Step-by-Step insight into how your marketing levy is invested

A look inside TurfBreed’s extensive marketing tool kit is giving growers and resellers an excellent insight as to how their marketing levy is being invested. But, most importantly, growers can appre...
It’s all about GETTING MORE for LESS

Conference keynote speaker, Dr Gregg Munshaw – Pinnacle Ag Research’s Chief Scientist & Director of Agronomy from the United States – presented vital advice to growers about – Ge...
GENETICS – changing face of turf varieties

“Beware of false marketing and understand the data!” There is no doubt that new genetics are starting to completely change the turf world and the industry is seeing grasses that can do “...
Inaugural TurfBreed’s 2022 Grower Awards

In case you missed last year’s inaugural growers awards we thought we’d refresh your memory and let you know that they are back on this year and will be presented at the 2023 National Turf...
Back on track … TurfBreed Conference returns

After a two-year COVID- stop, TurfBreed was pleased to host the 2022 National Growers Conference on the Sunshine Coast of Queensland. It was great to see key industry turf sponsors and growers finally...
Farmers warned as scammers target ag sector

Farmers are being warned that scammers are targeting the agricultural sector. Whether it be via text message, a phone call, email or via social media, scam artists will stop at nothing to try and gain...
New Chief Executive Officer for Turf Australia

Turf Australia is delighted to announce the appointment of Matthew Lunn as their new Chief Executive officer. Matthew has worked in the horticultural industry for over 35 years and brings a wealth of ...
ACCC tells LSA to address “concerted practices” concerns

TurfBreed welcomes the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission’s (ACCC) recent investigation into concerns that Lawn Solutions Australia (LSA) may have engaged in a concerted practices by com...
Empire Zoysia® revocation of trademark – unfounded

TurfBreed succeeded this month in re-confirming the status of our Empire Zoysia® trademark following a request by a third party, to IP Australia, seeking the “…revocation of registration”. Th...
New trial sprigged out for IronCutter

TurfBreed’s Dr Andrew Fletcher has just finished sprigging out our latest research site which compares IronCutter Hybrid Bermudagrass with other Couch varieties on the Australian market. Over th...
QLD Students vote YES to “real” grass

Landscape architects are encouraging the Queensland Education Department to use more natural surfaces, such as real grass, in new schools. Sandra Godwin explains. The QLD Education Department’s deci...
Credit Card fraud targets turf sector

Scammers of all sorts have upped their game and are getting smarter. And the turf sector is not immune! Fraudsters (or scammers) steal credit card numbers and expiration dates and then use this inform...
TurfBreed Conference goes to NSW

TurfBreed has had the New South Wales turf growers in our thoughts and minds over the past few months. We now want to unite as one to find ways and means to support our grower network in NSW in whatev...
Program boasts international speakers, growth advice & networking

Day 1 – Sunday 26 June 2022 Pre-Conference Welcome Drinks & Registration 3.00pm -REGISTRATION OPENS Sunshine Coast’s Surfair/Ramada Marcoola Hotel Reception 5.00pm -PRE-CONFERENCE DRINKS...
Partnerships – key to smooth turf supply chain

It can be easy to feel as though you have to be a jack of all trades and do everything in and for your turf business. But developing strong working relationships with complementary businesses along th...
Mountain View Seeds – key breeder in world’s sod industry

Mountain View Seeds (MVS) is a major breeder in the cool season turf industry and has recently transitioned into the vegetive warm season turfgrass sector, starting strong with the introduction of Iro...
IronCutter – Hybrid Bermudagrass outperforms TifTuf in US trials

It takes years of research and product development to produce a new turf grass, with researchers constantly testing new varieties to make sure they’re superior to existing material and are ready to ...
Say Hello to Flails with Trimax Mowers

While Rotary or Reel Mowers are the gold standard on turf farms for their ability to deliver high-quality cuts and premium presentation on production-grade turf, flail mowers have earned their place i...
Latrell Mitchell gives parents Palmetto for Christmas

By Katie Fisher South Sydney Rabbitohs fullback, Latrell Mitchell has given his parents one of the most ‘luscious, healthy, green’ Christmas presents you could hope for – Palmetto Soft Leaf Buff...
Herbicide resistance – is your weed spraying ineffective?

There is no denying that the agricultural industry, especially turf, is facing a huge amount of herbicide resistant pressure causing weed control to be an added cost to growers both in time and dollar...
Nara Native Zoysia rolled out along Australia’s longest rail track

What a sensational win for this amazing Parramatta Light Rail project to have the first section of Nara Native Zoysia rolled out to create Australia’s longest stretch of green track. This milest...
Meet Liz Stevenson – the face behind TurfBreed’s NSW BDM

To say Liz Stevenson is driven and passionate about her new role as New South Wales’ (NSW) Business Development Manager is an understatement. Five months into the role, Liz is making her way around ...
Turf Trials rolled out across Australia

Parliament House turf trials Australia’s Parliament House is currently evaluating a number of TurfBreed’s leading varieties as potential replacements for the existing Couch and Tall Fescue grasses...
A look inside TurfBreed’s new TurfRnD Research Facility

TurfBreed’s TurfRND Research Facility has undertaken a huge commitment to develop, expand and maintain the genetic breeding of both new and existing turf varieties. The aim is to be the most respect...
TurfRnD putting deep roots in Queensland Research Facility

Since its inception in late 2020, TurfRND’s primary function has been to establish a leading turf research facility where the latest in turf genetics, technology and product innovation can be develo...
TurfBreed National Growers Conference 2022

It’s back on, TurfBreed’s 2022 National Grower Conference will be held at the Sunshine Coast’s Surfair/Ramada Marcoola this June 26 – 28. And register now for Early Bird Specials April 30! Aft...
Irresistible combination of youthful energy and flower power

Growers: Andrew Coombe and Anna Fraser, Lorn Turf Property: Hicks Road, Lorn, Hunter Valley NSW Focus: Specialists in TurfBreed varieties Market: Residential developments and home improvers Varieties:...
Know the law: “Safety is everyone’s responsibility”

The prosecution of a trucking company manager over a crash that killed four Victorian police officers last year is set to be a high-profile test case for Chain of Responsibility rules. There are many ...
Herbicide classifications to align with international system by 2022

Turf growers can expect to start seeing herbicide labels with the new mode of action classification system from early 2022. That’s because the letter-based herbicide mode of action (MoA) classificat...
Designing the ideal urban green environment for healthy humans

An international study of parks and gardens has found they play an important role in the health of both people and the environment. And, it’s all related to what’s under the ground: a huge range o...
Buffalo Grass Yellows adapting management practices

Adopting best management practices has been identified as the key strategy for growers in producing turf where Buffalo Grass Yellows (BGY) is a production issue. BGY is a disease syndrome with a numbe...
Great Northern Turf – the sum of 3 businesses is greater than its parts

The turf industry in north Queensland has never been more vibrant and exciting. So the union of three of Townsville’s largest turf farms – Beau Park Turf Farm, Laudberg Park and Spring Creek Turf ...
Turf QLD’s big day out – Paddock to Pitch brings turfies together

Queensland’s turf industry revelled in the first Paddock to Pitch field day this September which was a showcase of technologies, new equipment, and great innovations. The day, held at All Turf Solut...
After the NSW floods – where to from here

On a sunny spring day, it can be easy to forget about the mammoth floods that swamped New South Wales’ Hawkesbury-Nepean Valley six months ago. But it will come as no surprise to turf growers in o...
Adding value to turf sales – new online shop

TurfBreed has rolled out the next stage in the evolution of the myhomeTURF retail brand. The launch of the myhomeTURF online shop aims to expand the site’s existing digital footprint and provide a m...
Historic Coal Loader – an ideal platform for Nara Native Zoysia

Each week thousands of people visit the Coal Loader at Balls Head, Waverton in New South Wales to enjoy the fresh air and million-dollar views across Sydney Harbour. It’s a far cry from the days whe...
Nathan Tovey … a lifetime in turf brings value to TurfBreed

Meet TurfBreed’s new manager of services – Nathan Tovey the man behind servicing resellers and landscapers across the Country. Nathan has spent his past working life in the turf industry, from wor...
Banks are open to trade for Aussie Ag sector

It has never been easier to BORROW thanks to a thriving Ag sector It’s good news for turf growers and the entire agriculture farming sector – 2021/22 will see financial approvals becoming easi...
FINALLY – testing for herbicides resistance a vital focus for turf

It’s true, testing for weed resistance to herbicides can make turf growers thousands of dollars through improved herbicide and rotation choice. And it is also a well-known fact that herbicide resist...
A first – Nara Native Zoysia ‘teeing’ well on golf courses

As superintendent at a mid-tier community golf course with limited resources, Mike Johnson was keen to make his water budget stretch further. So, in what has been labelled a first, Nara Native Zoysia ...
Light rail turf test on track for Parramatta project

Two TurfBreed varieties are being tested to see which is most suitable for use in sections of green track in the Parramatta Light Rail project. The landscaped green track – a first for New South Wal...
New assets – videos & images showcase TurfBreed’s varieties

While growers were working flat out this summer, TurfBreed behind the scenes began another enormous shoot of myhomeTURF varietal and information videos and images. All nine varieties were featured in ...
Rivers a blessing and a curse – NSW floods in review

It has been a significant roller coaster ride for NSW growers over the past five months who have all been largely impacted to some extent by the one in 100-year floods. In this special report from San...
TurfRnD – Raising the bar for Australian turf research

Significant inroads to establish strong foundations for TurfBreed’s new turf research and development program have begun and already many goals reached. Launched in September 2020, the TurfRnD team ...
TurfBreed donates $20,000 to Turf Australia’s Benevolent fund

Following the recent devastating floods in New South Wales and the profound impact they have had on all turf growers in the affected areas, last April TurfBreed decided to re-direct funds from its spo...
Victoria’s Living Library exits COVID-19 with all grasses beaming

TurfBreed’s Living Library based at Melbourne Polytechnic (Fairfield Campus) in Melbourne, like most Victorians, suffered the isolation effects of COVID-19 last year. In fact, from March to October ...
Measuring the ecological benefits of turf lawns

By Casey Reynolds executive officer at Turf Producers International Urbanisation is not a new reality, and neither are the ecological impacts that come with it. As more people move inward towards larg...
TurfBreed’s Dr Andrew Fletcher – creating a turf R&D program

Developing and fostering an effective research and development program is a pivotal goal for TurfBreed. With that said, and after much searching, TurfBreed has appointed its first Research and Develop...
Turf’s value FINALLY confirmed: research

Research confirms what fire authorities already know, supporting the use of turf as a firebreak because of its fire-resistant properties. This was reinforced in July 2020, when Hort Innovation release...
Nara Native Zoysia Turf as a living fire break

The bushland surrounding its coastal communities is one of the major attractions of the Noosa area on Queensland’s (QLD) popular Sunshine Coast. But after being evacuated with 7000 others as a wall ...
Stopping the march of the Fall Armyworm

The destructive pests – Fall Armyworms – have again started to wreak havoc on lawns along the east coast of Australia. Earlier this year the Fall Armyworms hit Australian shores for the first...
FIRST RELEASE: The Essential Lawn Guide

TurfBreed is proud to introduce the Essential Lawn Guide which incorporates the varietal, technical and lawn care tips and resources produced by our retail branding – myhomeTURF – for our cu...
Inaugural Phone Sales Training rolls out to a great reception

TurfBreed has rolled out it’s inaugural Phone Sales Training Program in Queensland led by QLD’s Business Development Manager Daniel Pieper with initial assistance from creator Mandy Johnson. Many ...
Biodiversity. Turf farming & Bees. Co-existing

This spring we’ve been privileged to see firsthand how bees and broad acre farming can not only co-exist but thrive. One turf farm in south-east Queensland offered up a prime location on the riverba...
Generations of love crafts quality turf for a demanding market

AT A GLANCE Growers: Ryan’s Turf, Reg Ryan Property: Coolangatta Rd, Berry, New South Wales Focus: Keeping a growing customer base satisfied all year round Market: Palmetto Buffalo, Sapphire Soft Le...
One of our own speaks to turf managers of the future

TurfBreed’s own Gavin Howie from Turf NT, based near Humpty Doo 60km south east of Darwin, was special guest at a Melbourne Polytechnic webinar today talking to more than 80 turf managers of the fut...
Eye in the sky offers new perspectives

For years farmers have been told they can’t manage what they don’t measure. But when there are so many variables at play, and so many tools on offer, it can be confusing to know where to start. Sa...
COVID-19 – taking a look at the whole picture and turf farming

Consumer behaviour is changing as Australian authorities continue the battle to control the COVID-19 pandemic with a range of travel bans, business restrictions, stay at home orders and on-again-off-a...
Globally promoting natural grass – Turfgrass Producers International

As any businessperson knows, being able to position your product in the market is a vital component of success. Not only is it important to have a good product, but how do you tell the story about you...
Growers get on top of weeds and stay there

The number one problem for turf production is weed control. Put simply, turf cannot be sold for maximum return if it is infested with weeds. Customers – whether they be homeowners, landscapers or pr...
Tragic truck accident is a reminder of C.O.R obligations

The recent tragic truck accident in Victoria where four police officers were killed on a Melbourne freeway has once again brought home to the transport sector the huge importance of understanding the ...
Right chemical product, right on target: the key to turf success

Great turf doesn’t happen by chance. To achieve high standards it’s important to spend time planning and getting the foundations of your management program right. Syngenta’s Technical Manager, M...
TurfBreed Living Turf Grass Libraries

Two Turf Living Libraries situated north and south of the Country now showcase TurfBreed’s grass varieties. As Katie Fisher explains, TurfBreed’s strategy in establishing these two sites is to sho...
Producing turf managers of the future

Australia’s Turf Industry has a lot to thank Melbourne Polytechnic for as over many years they have produced some of the best turf managers – both on farm, in the golf industry and on sports field...
Why Wild Horse Turf is a cut above the rest

AT A GLANCE Growers: Wild Horse Turf, Dean and Amanda Smyth Property: Glass House Mountains, Queensland Focus: Paying careful attention to detail and focus on exceeding all their customers’ expectat...
TurfBreed front and centre at 2020 Women in Turf Conference

Three like-minded members of the TurfBreed community were front and centre at this week’s Women in Turf Conference held at Williamstown in Melbourne. Queenslanders – Sacha Moncrieff from Parag...
Getting the “base” conditions of your turf balanced

Greenway Turf Solutions Director and Head Agronomist, Paul Spencer writes about the importance of growers focusing on turf agronomy before productivity and profitability. Through an effective soil nut...
Three generations of ideas, innovation and diversity

AT A GLANCE Growers: Rivers Edge Turf, Jim and Mary Mifsud and sons Jonathan, Edward and Michael Mifsud Property: Wilberforce, New South Wales Focus: Making a big impact with a small farm Market: Comm...
Growers embracing new turf accreditation program

TurfPlus a new turf production accreditation program for the Turf Industry is now well and truly rolling-out across the country with much praise from growers who have adopted the system. Katie Fisher ...
UQ researchers putting the finger on the pulse with Couch Smut

Couch Smut is one fungus that has strong economic importance to the most widely planted warm season grass – Green Couch. Katie Fisher examines the findings from a newly released project on Couch Smu...
Fighting the Couch Mite this summer

Heat and drought stress across much of the country is promoting the colonisation success of the familiar Couch Mite. Peter Kirby (right), agronomist and chemical expert explains how this troublesome C...
Triumph over tragedy for a gutsy turf grower

AT A GLANCE Growers: Turf NT, Gavin and Lauren Howie Property: 785 Anzac Parade, Middle Point NT Focus: Making sure Turf NT is document compliant and not just physically compliant. Market: Sporting gr...
Townsville’s revival from drought, economic downturn & floods

Above: Townsville floods, 2019. Below: Paragon Turf, during the Townsville floods, 2019. From drought to flooding rains and the ripple-effect of a building industry slump caused by the mining downturn...
Buffalo Grass Yellowing observed on many turf farms

Background Buffalo Grass Yellowing has been observed on many turf farms around Australia and in a range of varieties. This yellowing fluctuates in severity and plants appear to recover at certain time...
Protecting turf’s lifeblood – your farms topsoil

It is in every grower’s interest to protect the topsoil of their farm as the protection of this valuable resource is essential for the long-term future of any turf business. United States TurfGrass ...
Childhood vision yields superior turf for growing retail sector

AT A GLANCE Growers: Australian Seed and Turf
Manager, Paul Bardsley Property: Learmonth Road, Carrum Downs, Victoria Focus: Superior turf for Australia’s best golf courses Market: Commercial, tr...
Science-based consideration of the glyphosate debate

By Dr Brett Morris, Technical Manager at Amgrow The pesticide community have been left shaking their heads following a series of decisions which commenced in August last year when two separate Califor...
Teamwork & diversity deliver for Murrumbidgee grower

AT A GLANCE Growers: Tarcoola Turf, Ken and Susan Tyson Property: Gillard Road, Wagga Wagga, NSW Focus: Collaboration and diversification Market: Commercial, trade and retail sales of Sapphire Buffalo...
The ‘ripple effect’ of a tragic farm accident

The most difficult part of Joany Badenhorst’s farm accident was, not her adjusting to life without a leg, but the overarching impact it had on her family and those around her. This message was drive...
Are you chemical compliant with hazardous chemicals?

By Sandra Godwin Turf growers use hazardous chemicals every day and when the rush is on it can seem easier to dismiss the potential dangers and justify taking shortcuts. This could cause injury to wor...
Top US turf researcher impressed with Aussie growers

TurfBreed’s special guest at this year’s conference, Professor Dave Kopec made a lasting impression on all those growers he met or visited on farm. Dave’s interest in our industry shone through ...
Turf grows property values – well maintained lawns

By Sandra Godwin A healthy well-maintained lawn is essential for getting the best price, because vendors “never get a second chance to make a good first impression” on potential home buyers. That ...
Are you making the most out of your Facebook posts?

Word of mouth is still the most powerful form of advertising, but half of it now takes place on social media through recommendations and reviews. How can you tap into this market? Sandra Godwin talks ...
Turf robots – taking autonomy into farming systems

The first generation of commercial agricultural robots is making its way onto farms across Australia. However, for many the jury is still out on autonomy and whether the concept and products can prove...
TPI Education Conference embraces change and new ideas

A cross-section of information that switched between education and production but with an overarching theme of leveraging change was heard at this year’s Turf Producers International (TPI) Conferenc...
Data is the next frontier of precision agriculture

The strong interest in precision agriculture means turf growers have access to more data than ever before – but they need to first collect it and collect it properly to fully reap the technology’s...
Stalwart of turf industry takes home AM

Australia’s first scientist to specialise in turf research, Peter McMaugh has been made a Member of the Order of Australia (AM) in this year’s Australia Day Honours. The industry stalwart is the f...
Premium Turf goes that extra mile to service their customers

The Bundaberg region’s rich red volcanic soil and sub-tropical climate make it perfect for growing a wide variety of horticultural crops year-round. But it’s the irrigation scheme built in the 197...
Eye for detail – distinguishes Advance Turf as market leaders

Above: In November, Advance Turf completed their biggest order to date: supplying and laying 12,000 m2 of turf over three days as part of a track upgrade at the Swan Hill Racecourse. The phone has bee...
Turning a new leaf in the Buffalo market at Windsor Turf

Prestige Buffalo may be the new kid on the block but for New South Wales turf growers, Mick and Anne Walburn from Windsor Turf, it is the new Soft Leaf buffalo variety that Australian customers have b...
Are you correctly laying turf on sports fields

Above: Dr Mick Battam (above) spends most of his work-life assessing sports fields, primarily in New South Wales. His repertoire includes 1000 sports fields, 25 Golf Courses, 50 Parks (such as Hyde an...
Persistence and conviction pay off for SA Growers

South Australian growers Scott and Ingrid Bormann shared their story at September’s TurfBreed Conference.
It was an inspirational account highlighting the Bormanns’ persistence and their never-...