It’s back on, TurfBreed’s 2022 National Grower Conference will be held at the Sunshine Coast’s Surfair/Ramada Marcoola this June 26 – 28. And register now for Early Bird Specials April 30!

After a two year wait, the two-day Conference and Field Day will focus on Growing Stronger Together as an Australian turf network.

Highlights include:

  • Networking with more than 200 of Australia’s leading growers and industry personnel.
  • International keynote speakers discussing turf research and development.
  • A panel of the turf industry’s leading chemical authorities discussing – The Future Challenges and opportunities of chemicals in turf.
  • A Q&A with TurfBreed’s Work, Health and Safety Ambassador – Gavin Howie from Turf NT, who’ll explain how a serious accident changed his overall attitude to onfarm safety.
  • A line-up of turf supply chain partners both at the Conference and Field Day.
  • A range of turf machinery and demonstrations at the Field Day.

The Conference will most importantly provide an opportunity for delegates and sponsors to build networks and share their expertise and services all in the one central location.

To register visit: